Chin Liposuction

Chin Liposuction

ดูดไขมันเหนียง บอกลาเหนียง คางสองชั้น กรอบหน้าชัดที่ มีอาคลินิก

Accumulation of Excess Fat:

  • The presence of an excessive amount of accumulated fat in the chin area can lead to sagging.

Unhealthy Eating Habits:

  • Consuming a diet high in fatty, fried, and sugary foods can contribute to obesity and fat accumulation throughout the body, including the chin.

Increasing Age:

  • Aging can result in muscle laxity under the chin, leading to sagging and the formation of a double chin. In such cases, consulting a doctor before opting for chin liposuction is recommended, as the issue may be related to muscle rather than fat, and alternative treatments like Thermage may be more suitable.

Other Body Conditions:

  • Conditions such as enlarged salivary glands or other health issues may contribute to sagging in the chin area.

In some cases, addressing these conditions may be necessary alongside or instead of liposuction.
It's important to consult with a medical professional to determine the underlying cause of chin sagging and explore appropriate treatment options, which may include liposuction or other procedures like Thermage for tightening.




1. Double Chin          2. Jawline Hollows           3. Cheeks 

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ดูดไขมันเหนียงที่ มีอา คลินิก ดีอย่างไร

Chin Liposuction at Mia Clinic

  • Small Cannula, designed especially for facial contour
  • Preserve the outermost layer of the skin and eliminate concerns about skin damage.
  • Small scarring
  • Reduced swelling leading to quick recovery time
  • Ensure complete removal of fat





ดูดไขมันเหียงด้วยเทคนิค Tumescent

The Tumescent technique involves administering local anesthesia without the need for general anesthesia or inhalation sedation.

1. Clarity of Consciousness: Patients undergoing Tumescent anesthesia experience clear consciousness during the recovery period, eliminating the postoperative confusion associated with general anesthesia.
2. Reduced Discomfort: The anesthesia solution is sufficiently potent and has a prolonged effect of up to 4-6 hours, minimizing discomfort after the procedure.
3. Appropriate Equipment: Clinics utilize small-gauge needles for administering local anesthesia, ensuring precise and less painful access to the targeted chin fat deposits.

It's important to note that the quantity of local anesthesia varies for each patient, calculated based on their body weight. The goal is to administer an appropriate amount of anesthesia to prevent toxicity while efficiently minimizing pain. This personalized approach enhances patient safety and comfort during and after chin liposuction.


1. Reducing Swelling and Bruising: The garment aids in minimizing postoperative swelling and bruising, facilitating a faster recovery.

2. Preventing Lump Formation: It helps prevent the formation of lumps or irregularities under the chin after fat removal.

3. Promoting Skin Tightening: Wearing a well-fitted compression garment promotes skin tightness, preventing sagging and allowing the skin to adapt more quickly to the new contours.

It is recommended to wear a continuous compression garment for 24 hours a day for the first 5 days post-surgery. Afterward, wearing it for 12 hours a day for the next month is advised.

The Significance of RF Massage

Post-Chin Liposuction: The removal of fat from under the chin can lead to a thinning of the fat layer, necessitating the tightening of the skin to adapt to the reduced volume. RF (Radio frequency) massage is designed to expedite skin tightening and maintain its firmness for an extended period.


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Chin Liposuction

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